26 Jul The Climb…

5 years post tragic helicopter crash…Who would have ever thought?
…that I would be able to share a sacred mother/daughter journey with my teenage daughter and successfully climb the Andes mountain, Yuanapicchu, in sacred Machu Picchu, Peru?
At the top of the mountain I could not hold back the flood of emotion and released in tears of overwhelming gratitude.
In a flashing moment in my mind I remember:
Being told the first words spoken from my mouth after the coma were “Divine Interventionâ€. These words continue to resound in my ears and heart.
To recognize and honor the Village of family, friends and artists who collaborated with me in this journey to powerful recovery.
To always honor those lives lost that day in the 2008 helicopter crash; Emerick, John and Tania.
To honor the courageous lives of the other 2 survivors who so bravely have overcome their injuries and are living vibrant happy lives today.
Those lives lost in the Santa Monica College library shootings while we were in Peru.
To honor the past and returning U.S. Veterans, men and women who sacrifice their lives and the quality of their life experiences for the privileges and freedoms of the USA.
I pray for all human beings whose lives are unwittingly interrupted and affected by physical, mental, sexual and emotional trauma often ending in disfigurement, disability and paralysis.
I honor those who saved my life as rescuers, 1st responders and compassionate and effective medical professionals. Thank you L.A. County Lifeguards Erik Nelson, Steve Sturdevant, Brad Foote the Lifesaver, UCLA Health Systems doctors, surgeons and staff especially Dr. Timothy Van Natta and Dr. Andrea Feinberg.
In those first several years of recovery I always thought and said, “I don’t have a finish lineâ€. I still don’t!
Ask your doctor about Integrative Medicine and Complementary Alternative Medicine modalities. These integrative approaches of Eastern and Western medicines with artistic engagement have brought me to this amazing current level of recovery.
My teenage daughter and I with the rest of our Sacred Group successfully climbed to Macchu Piccu and the top of Yuanapicchu respectively.
Here, a few photos of new members of the “Village†on the Sacred Journey to the mountains of Peru.
Our Peru trip was lovingly guided by:
Wachan, Martika and Sriwarkenty of Willkasara
a Sacred Sound healing trio of wonderful human Spirit and musicians.
“Willkasara’s Sacred Journey to the Heart of Peru.â€
We and our new friends from countries all around the world, were guided to sacred Incan sites to express gratitude to God and Mother Earth (Pachamama) for Life and Sacred Breath.
Here are a few photos of emotional gratitude and communion with God, Pachamama, the Heavens and sacred friends of “my Villageâ€.
When we returned from Peru and had to “come down†from the ecstasy of the Sacred Journey , the climb and the altitude, I was reminded of how important it is to stay mentally and emotionally flexible and to keep a sense of humor.
In recovery this is paramount as our body performs in different ways depending upon the conditions; different on any given day.
After 12 days of intense hiking and climbing in extraordinarily powerful and beautiful Peru, Â I returned to walk on the gorgeous beaches of Southern California.
After 1 mile on the uneven terrain of the sandy beach, my foot locked up and I could barely walk!
No worries…slow and steady says the turtle as she crosses a finish line  😀
A finish line is a created, defined destination to complete. It is for only that moment in time achieved and then once again the journey expands toward a new destination.
May I encourage you to never have a final finish line for your recovery.
…instead keep re-creating opportunity and expanding your goals.
Stay tuned for other AFT ‘students’ who share their inspiring stories of crossing finish lines to their next opportunity to LIVE!