Dear AFT Friends, Partners and Student Artists!

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Dear AFT Friends, Partners and Student Artists!

Dear AFT Friends, Partners and Student Artists!

At a recent AFT workshop held on April 4th, we presented our second “learn and lunch” session on sculpting our energy through healthy and delicious eating entitled Body Balancing with Food.

We want to give a BIG THANK YOU to Next Step Fitness in Lawndale, CA for hosting this tasty treat and an appreciative thank you to all attendees.

BIG THANKS to AMY KAN, Integrative Nutrition Coach at My Fit Foods in Hermosa Beach for demonstrating how to prepare highly nutritious and flavorful foods that help us FEEL and BE our best! The menu focused on combining food colors and textures to execrate optimal energy and positive well being!

We tasted our way through a rainbow of culinary selections that left us feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the day AND night 🙂

We hope you all enjoyed the gorgeous and delicious food samples and for those of you who didn’t join us, please stay closely connected as we will keep you updated on AFT future dates and events.

Here are some pictures from the afternoon — the food was so beautiful and yummy, we ate it all!

Remember… YOU SCULPT ENERGY by what and how you eat!

Laura Sharpe of AFT and Amy Kan of My Fit Foods tag teaming on the AFT workshop presentation.