26 Feb Press Release: Artists for Trauma, Topanga Terrace Rehabilitation & Subacute and The Villas Offer Recovery Through Art
CANOGA PARK, CA — February 12, 2015 — Artists for Trauma, a non-profit organization that aims to
expedite recovery by providing a creative portal to help patients after suffering a traumatic illness or injury is
partnering with two local rehabilitation and subacute care facilities. AFT’s organizational goals focus on
practical, enjoyable, self-care programs and practices based on adaptive, integrative resources for the
recovering trauma survivor and their families.
On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Artists for Trauma will begin a series of workshops, beginning with painting.
Topanga Terrace Rehabilitation and Subacute, a 112 bed, five-star rated facility by the Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Services, and the Villas at Topanga Terrace a 12-bed homelike rehabilitation facility believe that
by offering these workshops to their residents they can provide an experience which will enrich the lives of their
patients through artistic expression.
“Topanga Terrace Rehabilitation and Subacute, and the Villas present a friendly, respectful staff of highly
trained medical professionals to assure a consistent quality of care during the patient’s stay. AFT is honored to
collaborate with Terrace Rehabilitation Subacute and The Villas by bringing our free of charge, adaptive,
creative, fun, evidence based, integrative healing through art programs and workshops to the patients of your
facilities” said Laura T. Sharpe, Founder, CEO and Executive Director for Artists for Trauma.
Topanga Terrace Rehabilitation and Subacute is located at 22125 Roscoe Boulevard in Canoga Park. For more
information on Topanga Terrace or the Villas visit www.topangaterrace.com or contact admissions for questions or a tour
at (818) 992-0266. For more information on Artists for Trauma visit www.artistsfortrauma.org.
Read The Government Center Gazette & Van Nuys News Press Article