3rd Annual Student Conference for Integrative Medicine (ASCIM)

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3rd Annual Student Conference for Integrative Medicine (ASCIM)

Artists for Trauma had the pleasure of being one of the sponsors of the 3rd Annual Student Conference for Integrative Medicine (ASCIM), “Exploring Integrative Medicine from a Clinical to Global Scale,” hosted by Students for Integrative Medicine (SIM) at UCLA on February 28, 2015 at UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center – Tamkin Auditorium.

This was the 2nd year in a row that AFT participated in the influential event, spending the day raising the medical community’s awareness of AFT’s mission and platform of non-profit best practice approach to offering free of charge, evidence based, integrative healing resources to those in our communities facing the serious long term challenges of recovery related to disfiguring and life altering disabilities.

Many new friends were made and many familiar faces visited with. AFT staff and volunteer representatives were delighted to have the opportunity to attend presentations by local medical professionals throughout the day, soaking up the wealth of knowledge they had to share on many Integrative Medicine subjects including osteopathic medicine, mindfulness awareness, and homeopathy.

AFT thanks the UCLA Center for East West Medicine and ASCIM for the opportunity to participate in such a positive day of outreach and information sharing. We also want to congratulate ASCIM on creating such an important, impactful, and successful event for a third year in a row!